Matt Keikoan has the button in seat 1. He limps in, calling the 40,000-chip big blind. Shorr counts out raising chips, making it 125,000 total. Keikoan puts in the call.
The heads-up flop is the . Action is on Shorr, and he puts out a bet of 100,000. Keikoan comes along with a call.
The turn is the . Shorr slows down now, and both players check.
The river is the . Shorr checks, and Keikoan announces, "All in," plenty a big enough bet to push Shorr out of the hand.
Shannon Shorr has the button in seat 3 and he completes the big blind. Matt Keikoan says, "Run 'em," and they take a flop of . Keikoan checks and Shorr bets 65,000. Keikoan folds and Shannon Shorr wins the pot.
Shannon Shorr has the button in seat 3 and he raises to 105,000. Matt Keikoan calls and the flop comes and both players check. The turn comes the and again both players check. When the hits the river, Keikoan bets 100,000. Shorr eventually folds and Matt Keikoan wins the pot.
Shannon Shorr has the button in seat 3 and he limps in. Matt Keikoan checks his option and they take a flop of .
Keikoan checks and Shorr bets 45,000. Keikoan casually pushes out 270,000, making it 225,000 more to play. Shorr makes the call with only minor delay.
The turn card comes the . It's Keikoan's turn to act and he bets again. This time 300,000. Shorr, after roughly two minutes of deliberation, finally folds his cards. Matt Keikoan wins the pot.
Shannon Shorr has the button in seat 3 and he limps into the pot. Matt Keikoan raises to 165,000 and Shorr folds. Matt Keikoan wins the pot.
Matt Keikoan has the button in seat 1, and once again limps. Shorr puts in another raise to 130,000, and Keikoan motions forward with his hand, saying "All in." Shorr mucks disappointedly, and sends a few more chips across the table.