Got in with AA 2nd to last hand opponent had AA lol
KK>qq sb v button
6kbb last level of the night
49 left
Come back to 1 3-6k. 51 left, 186k ave. #weregoingthewrongway #Tigers
Snap doubled QQ>JJ back to 117k
QQ<AA all in pre for 300k pot :(
82 left
Nam Le moves to the table & opens 4800 utg folds to me w KK SHIP 10.3 effective bb 3bs 18k nam calls. Flop Q76hhh BB Cbets 17k Nam tank folds. BB AcAs & holds. 84th place #WSOP3 #LoveYall
KK>AK aipf
QQ<AKo #sigh #chipAndChair #WSOP3
Tried to busr 2 ~16.2k stacks w KJhh. Beat one but lost to another JJ>KJ<A8dd. Still hanging in there #NoMoreGamble #WSOP3
On to day 3 with 313k. 41 remain, ave 231k. #Tigers #rungoodgearftw