Table 44Seat 5
Just won decent pot. 4 bet pre flop from SB.
17 left. 2 table re-draw.
End of level 20. Last level of night coming up. Blinds 6k-12k-2k. 19 left. Avg 450k.
Won big pot calling turn and river with 9-9 on a J high board were guy 3 bet me pre.
Won a nice pot when I flopped and A with A-J in a raised pot.
Just won big pot with K-K vs 6-6. Down to 26 players. Avg is 330k.
En if level. Blinds going to 5k-10k-1k when we get back from break. 28 left.
30 mins left till break.
Won a couple pots pre-flop.
Won all in pre flip with Kc-Qc vs 10-10. Avg is 210k. 41 left.
End of level 18 in 3 mins. Blinds go to 4k-8k-1k. Avg is 200k. 43 left. Need double soon.
Made bad play. Bet were I was only get called by better and all worse hands were folding.
2nd in chips going into day 3.